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Practitioner Spotlight: Linda Willis, LMW Aesthetics

Linda Willis, nurse practitioner at LMW Aesthetics, spent 18 years working as an NHS nurse before moving into the aesthetics industry, where she uses the clinical, people and assessment skills she learnt in her nursing days. I got the scoop on her aesthetic style, what she feels will be the next big tweakment trend, and the treatment she sees consistent results with.

What’s the main reason people get aesthetic treatments?

The reason for getting a treatment really depends, mainly, on the age of the individual. Younger girls are usually following a trend or a fashion, but the older ladies are looking to keep age at bay. Take lip fillers, for example. Younger girls will often come in asking for plumper lips when their lips are absolutely fine, whereas an older client will come in because they have lip volume loss and they just want to restore them to how they used to be. It’s really down to the individual. A 25-year-old will want a treatment for a totally different reason to a 55-year-old.

What’s your aesthetic style?

I’m not into the fake, overdone look or completely changing someone’s appearance. My work is about keeping what you’ve got in good condition, and if that means a little bit of filler to give you the lips you once had, great. But if you are looking to put 2ml into your lips to completely change your look, I feel uncomfortable about that. It’s about still looking like yourself - just a better version.

We’ve all seen people who have taken treatments too far, and it’s putting people off. But I think this is starting to change now. As long as there are quality injectors out there who are prepared to turn people away when they’re going too far, we can keep it under control.

I always put myself in my clients’ position and try to educate them about treatments. It’s much better to be honest about what is really achievable. As a nurse, I have that code of conduct. Public safety is my job and patient safety is paramount.

There are so many ill-equiped people out there who are carrying out aesthetic procedures, so it's really important that clients do their research before choosing a practitioner - someone who is fully trained, insured, part of a governing body, and can deal with complications if they arise.

What will be the next big trend in aesthetics?

Everybody is looking for a miracle treatment for the neck and jowls area, so I think something will be developed soon with regards to that. There are a few products on the market, but I think that because the demand is so great for that area, we’ll see something new and exciting. And I think it will happen, it’s just a case of when. It has to be something that truly works and that people believe in. I really think that’s why Botox and fillers are so successful. They are multi-million pound businesses and that’s because they work from within and do exactly what they say they do. That’s why people believe in them and are prepared to spend money on them.

What’s the best treatment for giving a rejuvenated look?

People’s faces vary, so it all comes down to your personal assessment. I don’t just look at one area of the face. I look at it overall to see what would work best to give you a more rejuvenated look. If someone came in and said they wanted cheek fillers, I wouldn’t just look at the cheeks. I’d look at the face overall to see whether there’s sun damage, volume loss or ageing, and I’d seek to address those issues. I look at the whole face - and your golden ratio. It’s not about having just one treatment of cheek fillers, as it might not be the right one for you. If you have jowls because you’ve lost volume in your cheeks, I might give you cheek filler, but it’s all about your individual skin needs.

What treatment do you see consistent results with?

I have seen great results on many occasions with mid-face volume fillers for 50-60 year-olds. They’ll come in and we’ll do an assessment to see what’s causing the problem. Putting the volume back and lifting the skin can knock years off a client. We’re not talking facelifts - we’re talking about a full package of treatments to take years off and make them look completely rejuvenated. They don’t look like a different person, just a fresher version of themselves, which can make them feel confident. We’re not going to make you look 18 or like a plastic doll. We’re going to make you look fresh and like you look after yourself.

If you're a medically qualified practitioner and would like to be featured in the Glowday Practitioner Spotlight series, get in touch with me at or via Instagram @victoria.glowday

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