We had a chat with Astra from A Little Enhancement to find out her strategy for surviving COVID-19. From Hinching to webinars, Astra is taking it in her stride!
Thanks for chatting to us Astra. How are you doing?
My mood is up and down, but I’m ok with that, and we all should be. Nobody has ever experienced anything like this before, so let’s all be kind to ourselves and each other. At the moment pretty much anything goes...
Yes, we’re all feeling discombobulated, aren’t we?
The hardest part for me is the uncertainty of everything; the not knowing when this will end.
Is there anything good about it for you?
I’m learning to appreciate the small things in life more. I’m loving my garden, I’m loving being able to take a walk everyday. I’m also kind of enjoying getting to do the things I’ve been putting off for such a long time. Cleaning, reading, decluttering, etc.
How else are you spending your time?
I’m Hinching (fellow @mrshinch fans will know what I mean), cooking, baking, checking on my elderly neighbours, home schooling my son and thinking of exciting activities for us to do that don’t involve leaving the house.
Is there anything online you’d recommend to your peers?
Joining the Facebook group Medical Aesthetics Mindset Warriors. Teoxane are doing a series of webinars too, which are free, and loads of celebrities are doing things such as cooking and virtual exercise classes live on Instagram. Joe Wicks exercise daily PE for adults and kids, Gok Wan live cooking, David Walliams funny stories.
How are you feeling about the future of A Little Enhancement?
I am worried about my business, as is everyone, but I’m using this time to ensure my comeback is strong. I’m also engaging with my clients daily on my Instagram stories and via social media posts.
Got any tips for other aesthetic practitioners?
Use the “stay at home” sticker on all your stories on insta and you’ll increase your reach massively, as well as getting the important message out there that we must all comply and “stay home”. I’m offering free virtual skin health consultations too. Keep engaging via social media/email. This doesn’t have to be aesthetics-related. Just talk, engage...anything. Be in people’s minds. I’m still getting messages regarding skincare and treatment advice for when clients can rebook, or just general ones, such as comments about how cute my dog is.
Thanks to Astra!