We recently had a chat with Paul from Sussex Aesthetics, to find out he’s getting on during this horrible time.
How are you Paul?
I’m frustrated, angry, scared – but equally embracing change and looking at how I can improve when I come back from NHS service.
You’re doing a great thing going back into service. We salute you! What’s bothering you most at the moment?
The uncertainty of the evolution of the virus. Coupled with the uncertainty of the long-term financial effects.
Have you found any positives?
Yes, actually, while waiting to start back in the NHS I have been able to do some reading, connect with friends online and have some down-time away from the ordering and business management.
How are you spending your time?
A combination of relaxing, self care (which often feels too indulgent) gentle exercise and catching up on paperwork in a non pressured way
Can you recommend anything other practitioners might like to research/look at online?
My main advice is to investigate or do the things that you always want too, like exploring different treatment styles and products. There are some great CPD training modules from Aesthetics Journal.
Are you worried about your business?
I am worried - yes. However, I also have come to the conclusion that this is completely out of my hands. I’m confident I will bounce back, as I have a good volume of regular clients to ‘mop up’ the loss. I’m avoiding doing any deals online. Morally, it doesn’t sit right with me.
Advice to other aesthetic practitioners?
Take the time and enjoy it.... everything else we can’t control!