Or at least I was. A few years ago, I would have turned my nose up and frowned (because I could) about women having wrinkle relaxing treatments (AKA Botox), or any kind of aesthetic treatment. I.did.not.get.it. Why did they do it? They looked ridiculous. It was so OBVIOUS they’d had it! I couldn’t understand why any women would want to look ‘Botoxd’ or enjoy their puffy-filler-face- reflection. (In the same way I still can’t understand why some women like the painted eyebrow look, but that’s another conversation)
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I was an aesthetics snob - a silent treatments troll. Looking down my uneven nostrils at all those idiots injecting their faces with poison. Lamenting their foolishness, laughing at their unfortunate faces. I truly believed that there was only one template, a ‘package’. The Reality TV Deal. “Hi injectables lady, can you give me this face please, I want to look like everyone on Love Island.”
More fool me. Double fool me as I work in media and PR, I should know better.
Of course the media only focus on the horror stories. The stupid people doing stupid things narrative. The graphic photos of lopsided faces, pumped up lips, the wannabe celebrity’s ‘transformation’ from naturally pretty to ‘OMG, what has she done to her face’.
What I hadn’t realised is that most people who have wrinkle relaxing and fillers (certainly the ones who go to medically qualified practitioners) don’t look like they’ve had any treatment. At all. They look like they’ve just got back from two weeks in the Seychelles, or they’ve got a new boyfriend. The people who spend a bit more, go to the professionals, and really consider what they’re doing to their faces, simply look like the best version of themselves (you know, the version of you who looks good in a dim light when you’ve just done your make-up and hair). In fact, they don’t necessarily look any younger, they just look REALLY GOOD.
Much like when I realised all those things I said before I had a child, ‘I won’t let them watch an iPad, they’ll only eat green vegetables and I’ll definitely do craft with them for an hour a day’, my aesthetics snobbery has, through experience and education, been banished. I haven’t actually had it yet, but I’m no longer ‘definitely never having it’.
This is why Glowday is committed to celebrating the good guys. We want other women to know that when non-surgical cosmetic treatments are done well, it’s SO GOOD.
Until then, I’m going to rub in my foundation lines properly, wipe the black from under my eyes, have a stalk on Glowday for the best wrinkle relaxing practitioner and make myself feel better by looking at ridiculous painted-on eyebrows.