Nonsurgical nose jobs can be life changing. This amazing treatment can completely transform a person's face, confidence, self-esteem and happiness. Dr Wafaa El Mouhebb is one of the best in the business at performing these treatments, achieving absolutely incredible results for her patients. Here, she writes for Glowday to tell you everything you need to know about nonsurgical rhinoplasty.
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If you're interested in a non-surgical nose job, make sure you find someone who is trained and an expert on Glowday.
Nonsurgical rhinoplasty is a procedure also called liquid rhinoplasty or the lunch time nose job!
The procedure consists of injecting a filler, formed of hyaluronic acid, underneath your skin to temporarily change the structure of your nose.
It is an outpatient procedure, making it far more convenient than surgical alternatives.
A trained provider can do the procedure in 15 minutes or less
You can be back at work the same day with the most common side effect being redness
Nonsurgical rhinoplasty is much less expensive than a surgical rhinoplasty
Results can last for up to 18 months
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The magic of a non-surgical nose job!
The 15 Minute Nose Job
You may have heard of nonsurgical rhinoplasty referred to by its nicknames “liquid nose job” or “15-minute nose job.” This procedure is actually a dermal filler procedure that changes the shape of your nose for up to 18 months depending on the type of the filler used and your body's metabolism.
It is a quick procedure and is ideal for people who are looking to smooth out bumps in their nose or make it look less angular but who aren’t ready for a permanent solution, or are worried about the risks, recovery time and costs involved in a surgical rhinoplasty.
What ingredients are used in nonsurgical nose jobs?
By using dermal filler, your aesthetic practitioner can change the shape of your nose.
Fillers are rated for viscosity and elasticity using a scale called 'G Prime'. Fillers with high G Prime offer a better structure than fillers with low G Prime, and the higher the G Prime in the filler, the better the lift, as it's firmer and tends to keep its shape.
Your practitioner will use a dermal filler with high G prime properties and inject it underneath your skin in the areas where you wish to create smoother lines or volume. The volume created will then disguise any hump or deviation your nose might have.
The filler then settles into where it’s injected in your deeper skin layers and holds its shape changing the look of your nose for anywhere from six months to two years, depending on your skin, your desired results, and the filler used.
Sometimes, a little bit of Botox may also be used to restrict a muscle which tends to bring the tip of someone's nose down when they smile or talk. But, your practitioner will determine if this is necessary during your consultation and assessment.
What’s the procedure like?
The procedure is fairly simple, especially when compared to surgical rhinoplasty. A nonsurgical rhinoplasty targets the bridge, tip, and sides of your nose. Fillers are injected around different parts of your nose to modify its shape. After a consultation where you discuss your desired results, your practitioner will have you lie down with your face tilted up. You will have a topical anaesthetic applied to your nose and the surrounding area so you won’t feel pain from the needle. After the anaesthetic takes effect, your practitioner will inject the filler into the area around your nose and maybe the bridge of your nose itself. You might feel a slight pinching or pressure while this is done.
Usually three areas are injected:
1. the Radix of the nose which is the depression at the root of the nose
2. the base of columella of the nose which is the tissue that connect the nasal tip to the nasal base and separates the nares. This is an essential step to provide support to the nasal tip when 'lift' is a goal
3. the tip of the nose to lift the tip and create sometimes the tinkerbell effect a lot of patient are looking for. The whole process can take from 15 minutes but less to 45 minutes.
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Risks and side effects of liquid nose jobs
As with any procedure or treatment, nonsurgical rhinoplasty has risks and side effects. For most people, the only side effect of liquid rhinoplasty is that they’ll see is a little redness and sensitivity in the area of the injection in the day or two after the procedure.
Other possible side effects include:
bruising at the site of the injection,
swelling, pain and tenderness for up to a week
dryness of the overlying skin
These side effects are common with any type of procedure involving dermal filler injections
However the nose is a sensitive area. It’s filled with blood vessels and close to your eyes. That’s why liquid rhinoplasty is somewhat more complicated than other kinds of injectable filler procedures.
Possible more serious complications include:
vascular occlusion - when blood vessels are injected which will lead to tissue death
vision loss
In a 2019 study of 150 people who had a nonsurgical nose job, less than 1% had a complication and these complications were caused by unqualified aesthetic providers
Ask the questions, don't be shy about it.
It is important to choose your practitioner carefully before committing to have a non surgical rhinoplasty. Be sure to ask your practitioner about:
Qualifications (are they medically qualified?)
What training have they had in non surgical rhinoplasty?
How many non surgical rhinoplasty have they performed?
Can you see more before and after photos?
How will they perform your procedure?
How will they avoid complications? (they should be able to explain the procedure in detail including their safety precautions)
How would they treat any complications? (the ideal is practitioners who have connections with A&E/other experts who can help in any emergency, if needed)
Do they have a way to contact them in case of emergency after the procedure?
Communication is vital
It is also very important that your practitioner communicates with you during the procedure. This will not only put you at ease but will also help your practitioner detect any potential risk. Be sure to have a way of direct contact with your practitioner after you leave the clinic and speak to your practitioner right away if you experience: fever, blurred vision, redness or bruising that spreads and gets worse, hives or other symptoms of an allergic reaction like itching. Do remember, even with all the best qualifications and the best surgeons, complications can happen. But be reassured that the risk with a well trained and experienced practitioner is very very low.
What to expect after treatment
After liquid rhinoplasty, you may experience pain, swelling, and redness where your injection was inserted. Within an hour or two, the injection should start to settle. The redness should start to subside, and you’ll be able to better see your desired results.
Top tip! Take an ice pack to use after your appointment. Check with your practitioner if it’s OK to use it to minimize redness and inflammation.
Results should be fully visible within a week or two. Redness or bruising should completely subside by then. As far as downtime, people who swear by liquid rhinoplasty love that there’s practically no recovery time. You can be back to work and your normal activities the very same day. You might be asked to not wear heavy glasses for first 2-4 weeks till the filler completely settles into your tissues.
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The incredible before and after photo following a nonsurgical nose job. Wow.
How much does it cost?
Nonsurgical rhinoplasty is a cosmetic procedure. Costs vary depending on what kind of filler is used, the provider you choose, and how many injections you need. In clinic you should receive a detailed consultation and cost breakdown from your provider after your consultation so you know what to expect.
Generally, you can expect to pay around £350 to £750 in the UK, depending on the clinic location and the practitioner.
Shall I go for nonsurgical rhinoplasty or surgical rhinoplasty?
The answer depends on many factors and it’s worth weighing up the pros and cons. Nonsurgical rhinoplasty is for you if you’re looking to experiment with how modifications to your nose might look, or if you’re looking to tweak your nose in small ways to change your appearance. If your nose is very complex with more than a bump and a tip droop, you might want to consider traditional rhinoplasty instead.
Pros of nonsurgical rhinoplasty
Nonsurgical rhinoplasty allows you to avoid going under general anaesthesia. You’ll have a quick recovery. After this procedure, you can return to work and your regular activities within the same day (except heavy exercise, to be avoided in first 48 hours)
Results aren’t permanent, so if you’re not pleased with how it looks, it’s just a matter of time before the fillers metabolize or it can be dissolved using hyaluronidase.
The cost of nonsurgical rhinoplasty is much lower than a traditional rhinoplasty.
Cons of nonsurgical rhinoplasty
If you’re looking for a dramatic, permanent change to your appearance, this procedure is not for you
There are side effects, such as bruising and swelling.
There’s the possibility that a misplaced needle could result in visible bleeding under your skin or damage to your vision.
Pros of surgical rhinoplasty
The results of traditional rhinoplasty are bold and permanent (but non reversible)
You won’t need another procedure to “re-up” or “refresh” the results in a few months or years.
If you have associated related medical issue, such as breathing difficulties, surgical rhinoplasty will be able to treat both medically and cosmetically
Cons of surgical rhinoplasty
If you don’t like the result, there’s not much else you can do besides wait for it to heal and then get another rhinoplasty.
This procedure is usually conducted in a hospital under general anaesthesia.
Risks of complications like infection are much higher.
It costs significantly more than nonsurgical rhinoplasty (with cost starting at 10 times more than non surgical rhinoplasty)
How to find a provider?
When considering nonsurgical rhinoplasty, you don’t want to look for the cheapest provider who may not have experience with this specific procedure. You want to look for a qualified, trained, certified, fully insured practitioners. They should be medically-qualified as a minimum. This is an advanced procedure and not every medical aesthetics practitioner will offer it, because it's so specialist and requires a lot of skill and training.
Non surgical rhinoplasty results can be very impressive and emotionally life changing. In less than 15 min, a complexity can turn into a blessing and smiles and sometimes even joyful tears!
Dr Wafaa El Mouhebb @drwafaaclinic , MbbCh , Msc Derm, Dip Aesthetic Medicine, Dip Derm, Dip Medical laser
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